Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Interactive Writing

Definition: Interactive writing is a writing process used to teach (usually younger) students how to write. The process involves the sharing of a pen between the teacher and students-

-This is important because this allows students to model after the teacher and receive one-on-one help with the teacher. For example, when it is the student's turn to write the teacher can see exactly what the student is struggling with. Also, the student can look at how the teacher does her part to get an in-sight of what they can do. This is a great way to teach students, and you can assess them by letting them do a similar writing activity on their own.
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High Frequency Words

Definition:High frequency words are quite simply those words which occur most frequently in written material, for example, "and", "the", "as" and "it". They are often words that have little meaning on their own, but they do contribute a great deal to the meaning of a sentence-

-This is important because these words make up SO MUCH of our books, sentences, papers, etc. Students have to learn these words because writing without them is almost impossible. These words help our language make sense. Without them, our sentences and conversations would be confusing.

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Definition: a method of representing the sounds of a language by written or printed symbols; spelling-

-This is important because without orthography, we would not have a written language. Without a written language, we would not be able to spell, read, or write. Our orthography is the main ingredient to our education and without it, we would not be able to communicate.

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Word Solving

Definition:  ability to apply your knowledge of letter-sound relationships, including knowledge of letter patterns, to correctly pronounce written words-

-This is important because we would not be able to decode words without word-solving. This means that without this skill we would never be able to read new words and could only read words we memorized. We read by connecting new words to words that we know and we follow patterns and relationships.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Alphabetic Principle:

Definition: the understanding that there are systematic and predictable relationships between written letters and spoken sounds-
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This is important because this helps children to be able to read fluently. This principle will help children become better readers.

Concepts of Print:

Definition: refers to the ability of a child to know and recognize the ways in which print “works” for the purposes of reading, particularly with regard to books-
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Image result for concepts of print pictures

This is important because a child will not be able to read unless they understand the concepts of print. For example, if a child does not know that we read from the left to the right, how will the child be able to read a book? These elements are crucial to effective reading.

Letter Recognition:

Definition: refer to the ability to visually recognize letters of the alphabet-

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This is important because to be able to read, you must first understand the letters of the alphabet, as well as being able to know which ones they are visually. Reading consists of visually seeing letters and seeing the words that those letters consist of. To be able to read, you have to master letter recognition first.

Phonemic Awareness:

Definition: the ability to notice, think about, and work with the individual sounds in words-
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This is important because a readers ability to do these tasks will predict how they will read. For example, if a student does very well on the phonemic awareness assessments, this indicates they are able to distinguish the different sounds in words and will be able to read faster than those who may struggle with these tasks.


Definition: the ability to string together the sounds that each letter stands for in a word-

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This is important because if a student cannot blend together these sounds, they will struggle with reading. To read, you must be able to effectively put all the sounds of words together.


Definition:  Being able to break apart a word. For example, once children can read pin, they need also to use their knowledge of sounds to break it down to /p/ /i/ /n/ in order to write the word-
Image result for phonics segmenting pictures

This is important because students will not be able to write without knowing how to segment words. When writing, we think of the words we want to say and we spell them out. Students will not be able to spell out words unless they can break out the sounds they hear into the letters.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Comprehension Hypothesis
Related imageDefinition: "The Comprehension Hypothesis states that we acquire language and develop literacy when we understand messages, that is, when we understand what we hear and what we read, when we receive comprehensible input." -From

  • This is important because, as educators, we need to understand the difference between being able to do something and comprehending it. For example, some students may be excellent readers but if they do not understand what they have read, then it is pointless. The important part of language is understanding it, not just being able to speak it. 

Skill-building Hypothesis
Definition: "A language is viewed as a complex system which has to be gradually mastered by learning and practicing all its complex elements. The focus is on meaning and much less on analysis, repetitive practice and form." -From

  • This is important to education because we do have to realize that learning language is a process and will take time for our students to fully grasp it. Like my building block picture, we need to take one step at a time. We should help our students practice every bit of it, without losing the meaning behind why they are learning it.

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Whole Language
Definition: "A method of teaching children to read at an early age that allows students to select their own reading matter and that emphasizes the use and recognition of words in everyday contexts." -From
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  • This is important to education because it is the beginning steps of reading. Even though some students may learn from phonics, others cannot. The whole language approach gives the children choices, which makes them more engaged in learning. As educators, we can use this to our advantage in helping students learn.  

Systematic Intensive Phonics Instruction

Definition: "A systematic phonics approach or program is a sequential set of phonics elements that is delineated and are taught along a dimension of explicitness depending on the type of phonics method employed." -From

  • This is important in education because systematic phonics instruction helps even disabled readers' reading skills. Phonics is the beginning part of learning to read. Before learning what something means, you must first be able to correlate sounds with words.

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Image result for phonics

Data-driven Approach

Definition: Differentiated instruction that uses data to give every child a differentiated lesson plan, according to their own abilities. -From

  • This is important in education because every child is different and they need to be learning at the level that works best for them. For example, if you have a class of students and give them all a lesson plan that works for the majority of the students, the higher-level students will become bored and the lower-level students will struggle to keep up.

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Concept-driven Approach
Definition: "the common-sense model that actually uses—but teaches beyond—the facts and skills to develop deeper conceptual understandings that transfer through time, across cultures, and across situations" -From

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  • This is important in education because it allows the students to connect the information that they are learning. They can connect old information with new information, allowing them to truly understand topics and being able to relate them to real life.