Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Pretend Reading

Definition: "a paraphrase or spontaneous retelling at the discourse level that children produce while turning the pages of a familiar book"- Words Their Way textbook

This is important because it gives the children practice of recalling the events of a story and the main events. Also, it gets them familiar with books. Practice turning the pages is great for emergent readers beginning to find the interest in books.
Image result for pretend reading  Image result for pretend reading

Memory Reading

Definition: "involves an accurate recitation of the text accompanied by pointing to the print in some fashion (can be mistaken for actual reading"- Words Their Way textbook

This is important because this helps children "coordinate spoken language with print at the level of words, sounds, and letters. They gradually acquire directionality and they also learn a concept called concept of word in text".- Words Their Way textbook
Image result for memory reading young children     Image result for memory reading young children

Language Experience Approach

Definition: "like picture captions, spoken or dictated accounts of students' experiences also help them like speech to text"- Words Their Way textbook

This is important because children need to be able to link speech to text in order to read and write. Relating their own experiences is a way that they are able to do this. As teachers, we need to know how and why are students are learning the ways that they do. 

Image result for linguistic experience approach 
Dialogic Reading

Definition: "essentially a reading practice using picture books to enhance and improve literacy and language skills"-

This is important because this causes improvement in student performance. This is practice for students to use comprehension and language skills. Literary and language skills are things that we (the teachers) are teaching the students. By this method, your students will get practice with these skills. 

Image result for dialogic readingImage result for dialogic reading
Interactive Read-Aloud

Definition: "a literacy event whereby children actively engage in listening and talking about the text throughout the duration of the read-aloud"-

This is important because this encourages social skills and communication of the students. This allows your students to think while they read and ask questions, which fosters learning. By doing this as a class, it will become practice for self-thinking when the students are reading on their own. This will help with comprehension as well. 
Image result for interactive read aloud  Image result for interactive read aloud Mock Linear (bonus)

Definition: "writing characteristics of the emergent stage of spelling development in which the linear arrangement of written English is mimicked in rows of letter-like shapes and squiggles"-

This is important because this is practice of spelling words. Students will not begin writing full paragraphs, they will start at a beginning stage that is very important for learning and growth. This is a characteristic of the early stage of spelling that will later help the students reach the other stages. 

Image result for mock linear  
Alliteration (bonus)

Definition: "use of the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable in a line of verse"-

This is important because this is a way for students to expand their vocabulary. This is also a feature of the English language. This is important for both the student and the teacher. Also, this would be a great tool to incorporate in class activities. 

Image result for alliteration  Image result for alliteration